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First Annual IBC FCPUG SuperMeet Archive (Podcast)

FCP User Groups and Digital filmmakers from Los Angeles, Boston, Mexico, Italy, Germany, UK and from around the world headed to Amsterdam, The Netherlands for the First Annual IBC FCPUG SuperMeet on Sunday, 14 September, 2008 at the Gashouder on the grounds of the beautiful Culture Park Westergasfabriek as part of IBC. This event was the largest gathering of FCP Users and Gurus on the planet during IBC week. These podcasts are hosted by Macvideo.tv.

1. Paul Saccone, latest developments with Final Cut Pro
Paul Saccone, Director of Applications, Marketing, Apple, shows off the latest features of Final Cut Pro, including support for Panasonic's AVCCAM format, the latest in the development of ProRes including support for ProRes playback within a Windows environment, and the ability to edit native RED 4K files in realtime in a 2K sequence in Final Cut Pro. This material can then be worked with using the latest version of Apple's Color. New new tools have been added to enable one to manipulate the native RED 4K files in a non-destructive environment.


2. Working with native RED 4K files using Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Server and Color

Luke Tristram, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Apple, gives a demonstration of working with native RED 4K files using Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Server and Color.


3. New Digital Cinema Technology from Quvis
QuVIS, an imaging processing and Digital Cinema pioneer, will introduces exciting new Digital Cinema technology for Final Cut Studio.


4. Thomson Grass Valley, Infinity camcorder



Grass Valley/Thomson's Director of Marketing Scott Sheehan show a short video of high quality JPEG 2000 shot on the Infinity Camcorder and edited with Final Cut Pro. The video is followed by a short demonstration of the file-based workflow between the Infinity and FCP.  This includes a full 10-bit, 4:2:2, JPEG 2000 workflow that uses the recently released I-J2K Suite from CineForm as well as MPEG-2 HD workflow using the Telestream Flip4Mac solution.


5. - Demonstration of Adobe Production Premium
Adobe's Creative Solutions Evangelist, Karl Soule will show how Adobe Production Premium can compliment your FCP workflow.


6. From Spain, Miguel de Olaso
Known to Red Digital Cinema Camera users as MacGregor, Miguel de Olaso from Spain,  shows footage from the Red Camera and talks about the workflow needed to get files direct from the RED and into Final Cut Pro. In this piece we get an overview as to where RED sits in scale when compared to others formats on the market and also how work with these images in post-production, how to save time to meet ultra-tight deadlines, and what one can achieve treating the images to get the most out of them.



7. Rick Young presents 10 killer features of Final Cut Pro
Here we have 10 essential Final Cut Pro techniques demonstrated. These are workflow tips which streamline the editing process and teach you to get things done quickly. It's been said before that anybody can edit, though not everybody can edit well. The tips and tricks shown here are both useful and effective in knocking out edited pieces, whatever the job may be.


8. Writer Director, Jeffrey Nachmanoff and film Editor Billy Fox, talk about the making of "Traitor"

Filmed at the IBC FCPUG Network Supermeet, this piece provides a rare insight into the filmmaking process. Writer Director, Jeffrey Nachmanoff and film Editor Billy Fox, talk about the making of Traitor, a feature film which sits between an independent production and a Hollywood blockbuster. This film has taken an interesting route, beginning as a Disney production, and ending up being produced on a budget siginificantly lower than most feature films.



SuperMeet Podcast Credits

Produced by: - Daniel Berube, Michael Horton and Rick Young

Editor: - Rick Young

Camera: - Rick Young, Ben King, Daniel Berube



Special Thanks to for hosting these Podcasts


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SuperMag Online

2010 SuperMag Issue No. 4
Over 300 pages of FCS, ADObe and Avid tutorials and videos
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2009 SuperMag Issue No. 3
174 pages of articles and FCS tutorials
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2008 SuperMag Issue No. 2
100 pages of articles and FCS tutorials
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2007 SuperMag Issue No. 1
92 pages of articles and FCS tutorials
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